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"Bread products" 9-16

В наличии!

economics . market

4 V.V. Petrichenko. Russian rye: evaluation and prediction (Prozerno)
6 The Russian Union of milling and groats enterprises
8 The Russian Union of bakers
10 The Russian Grain Union
12 L.V. Dracheva. Overview of the situation on the Russian grain market and result of the 2015/16 agriculture year.
14 Saint-Petersburg branch of NIIKHP – is 70 years! (RUSKHLEB, NIIKHP)
16 Seed to seed: seed sorting on pneumatic table «Etalon» (Mel’invest)
17 News
18 Innovative projects by the company OMAS
20 L.V. Ustinova. German technology and equipment for grain processing (MMW)
22 GlutoPic® –Device for express analysis of the quality of gluten by Brabender company
24 T.S. Shatalova. New analyzers «INFRASCAN» (EKAN)
27 Y.V. Ganych. High-performance cleaning by «Land of Kuban» (Bühler)
29 Innovation by company GOLFETTO SANGATI in milling Department, SEMOLINA purifiers machine HP55 (Pavan)
30 V.V. Petrichenko et al. «Magic pill» for grain (Grain Ingredient, Leipurien Tukku)
33 L.M. Kuznetsova. How to properly conduct quantitative and qualitative recording on the port (terminal) elevator
37 L.M. Kuznetsova. What accounts for write-off loss with weight of the grain in the amount of 0.2%?
38 Mühlenchemie is a perfectionist in the field of processing of flour
40 O.A. Khloponina. The influence of technological parameters on the quality of the products from puff pastry (EFKO)
42 Baking with a French accent (TRIER, IREKS)


research . technology

44 G.V. Shurshikova et al. Qualimetric evaluation model of consumer properties of bakery products enriched from a mixture of rye and wheat flour
49 T.G. Bogatyreva et al. Technology of rye-wheat bread, grain-based ferments
52 G.O. Magomedov et al. Formulation of whipped non-yeasted bread in clinical nutrition for oncological patients
55 T.S. Shteinberg et al. Norms of color of flour produced from grain of hard wheat
58 G.N. Pankratov. Analysis of patterns of distribution of particle size of milling products grain
62 V.A. Gun’kin, G.M. Suslyanok. Obtaining flakes from brown grain oats
64 Master- class. Bread «Village» (Bakal'drin)

information . advice

67 Agroprodmash–2016 – is a wide range of equipment and ingredients for the food processing industry
69 Modern Bakery Moscow 2017
71 Portuguese pie Pastel de Belén
71 Dictionary of the marketing specialist
72 G.B. Cheporova. Kind hostess

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